Sunday 7 February 2010

Fighting memory

"... you don´t come back from the exile, any intention of doing it is a fraud, an absurd attempt to live in a country kept in memory", wrote Luis Sepúlveda. And he added further down in the same book: "Never trust memory because it´s always on our side: it soothes the atrocity, it sweetens the bitterness, it sheds light where there was only darkness".

He meant it literally, I read it metaphorically. It´ll probably end up to the same.

It feels like another cycle is closing. And when that happens, it´s mainly a question of dealing with the memories and moving on... or back. Memories are not all we have, they are not all we are. Although it feels like it. They´ll be sweet one day... once they stop tasting so bitter. I am moving back to the comfort of the 'exile'. I feel stronger there, more self-sufficient (do I hear Aristoteles laughing..? Damn him!).

Ederlezi, I came to find out, is a spring festival celebrated by Roma people in the Balkans. Funny, the scene from Kusturica´s film had always made me think of death. Spring is re-birth... Anyway, it doesn´t matter, one can´t happen without the other.

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