Friday, 1 July 2011

At home

My nigerian colleague greeted me with "You look very bright this morning". I felt bright too. Every morning I walk 10 minutes down this road to get to work. It feels human. It feels easy. I feel at home. I feel so much in place. At coffee break I was talking about Zimbabwe, at lunch about Kenya and Croatia, in the afternoon about Alexandria and at dinner about Uganda and Hungary. So-so many things we don´t know, so many interesting people, doing their bit in the world.

There were some special moments with all these people I am now getting to know. On the first day, the colleague from Zimbabwe expressed his happiness for having egyptians in the group; he hopes to learn with them... When we asked the chinese colleague about Ai Wei Wei, he asked us if that was a company... And when I expressed my excitement to the egyptian girl because she works at the Alexandria library, she told me that people associate it to the Mubarak couple and refuse to have anything to do with it. The director, who was unable to respond to the changes that took place, refuses to resign. He´ll have to, soon...

I am at home. What an amazing feeling I had forgotten all about.


Rita said...

reading you makes me happy, feeling alive :)

Margaret said...

It sounds as though you are having a great time there in Washington.

PS I got your postcard from Usuaia yesterday!!

Gaelle Istanbul said...

It's always like you describe it: so full of crossed talk, so full of excitement, lightness, but also so intense, so bizarre sometimes and yet... so rich!

Yes, it really feels like home!