Saturday 25 September 2010

The oblivion we shall be

Hector Abad Faciolince´s The oblivion we shall be is a token of love, unconditional love, the way we expect a parent to feel for a child. In this case, it´s the testimony of a son´s love for his dad.

Nevertheless, there was a passage that touched me particularly and didn´t have to do with this father-son relationship:

"I found out, years later, that from that date onward my father and my mother never made love again, as if this pleasure had also been forbidden to them for ever. They continued being loving to each other, there´s no doubt about it, some sunday mornings they would linger in bed and all of us could see them hugging warmly, brotherly, but what we didn´t know was that their full intimacy had been lost with Marta´s death."

The word 'intimacy'... Its presence... Or absence... Gaining it, losing it or never having it.

It made sense.

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